Thursday, October 11, 2012

VST Vinyl Emulation

Hello everyone, this is me again. Today ve gonna talk about free VST vinyl emulation plugins. There are lot of vinyl VST plugins and now I want to show you few of them.

1) iZotope Vinyl
 I think that it is one of the greatest vinyl plugins. A lot of tweaks, perfect analog sound modulation. iZotope Vinyl has very simple interface. It has two unique knobs. Year simulates different period of vinyl music. RPM means Rotations Per Minute - you can use automation to give your glitches some "randomness" .

2) Milli Vinylli

The second VST plugin that I want to discuss. Pretty good for instant tone correct. It has less tweaks but it useful if you're in hurry, for instanse. Looks great, sounds good.

3) Vinylizer
 Do you want your computer to become vinyl player? So now it's possible! Just take a listen - simple tweaks knobs is very useful.
  • Decenter - detunes your sound a bit.
  • Dust - makes your sound more dusty and grainy (hissy)
  • High Damage - amount of high-freq distortion.
  • Stop Time - tweaks time needed for stop.
 But it can only add noise. It doesn't change frequency characteristics and dynamics.

4) Vinyl Dreams
 Cute simple plugin. Minimalistic. You can choose two presets and control dry/wet amout.

P.S: There are lot of free vinyl vst plugins. You can easily find it on google.


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